C3 Oregon | Back in Action | Summer Summit 2023
The 2023 Back in Action | Summer Summit was a huge success! A huge thank you to everyone who helped the Summit be a success: Western Oregon University, Oregon Department of Education, Department of Human Services, volunteers, community members.
C3's goal is to mobilize career and college advising supports for all students and grew out of extensive cross-sector collaboration involving leaders from K-12 schools/districts, higher education institutions, state agencies and community-based organizations. “Registration for the Summit started out slow but quickly grew to more than 65 participants. This kind of event was much needed and of great interest to practitioners throughout the state,” noted Dr. Lori Ellis, C3 Director and co-founder of C3, who also works for the Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC). Tammy Roche, Deputy Director noted, "It was so nice to see people who work in the same location in Oregon getting to know others with the same work agendas and goals through networking at the event." C3 Oregon does an amazing job of bringing people together to work on determining the needs of practioners and then creating those tools to meet those needs.
The second day of the Summit started with inspiring video featuring Oregon Foster Youth students from C3's Foster Youth Advisory who have been integral in advising on CCR needs in Oregon. The Advisory has provided feedback into our webinars, Career Journey Maps, and CCR Lessons. Alex Johnson shared his story on his seven years of experience in foster care. His experience helped him develop a passion for advocating for foster youths' rights and prompting diversity and equality in all aspects of their lives. Alex enjoyed the event and being able to share and represent the other foster youth on the Advisory.
Multiple sessions were offered both days that participants to choose from along with larger group sessions. We will be linking to as many of the presentations during the fall, so check back to view these session materials:
- OSAC Annual Updates and New Programs, Kyra King & Debora Perrault
- New FAFSA Updates, Kyra King, Debora Perrault, & Jenn Satalino
- College Possible: The value of a college degree, Deysi Cisneros Maciel, Zach Moore, Margarita Gutierrez Lemus
- Career Journey Maps: Exploring the 16 Career Clusters, Jessica Riehl & Jason Payton
- Help Your Students Say Yes to the Right Test, Luke Mead
- Introducing Common Course Numbering & Oregon's Math Pathways: Aligning K12 and Higher Ed Outcomes, Daniel Anderson & Jane Denison-Furness
- ASPIRE: Career and college year-round resource, Rochelle Farris
- How Oregon Goes to College, Adrienne Enriquez & Autumn VanderLinden
- Increasing Access to Accelerated Learning for Students with Disabilities, Eric Juenemann, Kristadel McGregor
- Career-Industry Exploration, Kyle Kavas
- Supporting Rural Students in Oregon High School and Beyond, Emi Fujita-Conrads & Michelle Hodara
- Oregon Employability Skills: A free and open resource curriculum, Cheri Clark, Summer Highhill, Tom Goodhue
- Foster Youth Advisory, Alex Johnson
The Back in Action Summer Summit was the perfect opportunity for Oregon’s school counselors, Career Connected Learning Navigators, and CCR practitioners to network and learn more about how C3 Oregon plans to help provide much needed resources. C3 will continue to bring practioners together to collaborate and focus on goals and outcomes.